Exam session schedule: extramural studies

In order to find exam dates for semester and faculty you should determine the catalog number of courses. For example, catalog number 'DE15' is for full-time studies in the faculty of electrical engineering for first degree studies at the fifth semester.

Sort by: Date | Name | Course number
1ZE1746:A - Aparaty i urządzenia wysokonapięciowe, dr inż. Andrzej Łasica
  • 31.01.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-b 105 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-b 105 Application for term not required
1ZE1723:A - Automatyka elektroenergetyczna, dr inż. Marcin Januszewski
  • 1.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room GM 104 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room GM 104 Application for term not required
2ZE2375:A - Bezpieczeństwo elektroenergetyczne i niezawodność zasilania 2, dr inż. Piotr Marchel
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-c 404 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-c 404 Application for term not required
1ZE2111:A - Ekonomika w elektrotechnice (HES), dr inż. Paweł Terlikowski
  • 31.01.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
1ZE1624:A - Elektrownie, dr inż. Piotr Marchel
  • 31.01.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-c 404 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-c 404 Application for term not required
1ZE1111:A - Fizyka 1, dr inż. Karol Kakarenko
  • 1.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
1ZE1791:A - Fotometria i kolorymetria, dr hab. inż. Sławomir Zalewski
  • 1.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
1ZE1113:A - Matematyka 1, dr inż. Jarosław Sobczyk
  • 1.02.2025 from 12:20 to 13:55 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 12:20 to 13:55 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
1ZE2113:A - Metody numeryczne w technice, dr inż. Tomasz Grzywacz
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
1ZE1305:A - Metrologia elektryczna, dr inż. Tomasz Winek
  • 1.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
2ZE2374:A - Ochrona sieci informatycznych przed impulsami EM, dr inż. Konrad Sobolewski
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-b 105 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-b 105 Application for term not required
1ZE1717:A - Oprawy oświetleniowe, dr inż. Sebastian Słomiński
  • 1.02.2025 from 12:20 to 13:55 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 12:20 to 13:55 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
1ZE1515:A - Podstawy elektroenergetyki, dr inż. Piotr Kapler
  • 1.02.2025 from 12:20 to 13:55 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 12:20 to 13:55 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
1ZE1303:A - Podstawy elektromagnetyzmu, dr hab. inż. Bartosz Sawicki, prof. uczelni
  • 31.01.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
1ZE1306:A - Podstawy elektroniki, dr inż. Paweł Fabijański
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
1ZE1794:A - Podstawy technik multimedialnych, dr inż. Sebastian Słomiński
  • 1.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
1ZE1713:A - Sieci elektroenergetyczne, dr hab. inż. Jerzy Marzecki, prof. uczelni
  • 1.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room GM 07 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room GM 07 Application for term not required
1ZE1767:A - Stacje elektroenergetyczne, dr inż. Grzegorz Kluj
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-c 506 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-c 506 Application for term not required
2ZE2388:A - Systemy informatyczne w elektroenergetyce, dr inż. Patrycja Helt
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GM 07 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GM 07 Application for term not required
1ZE1507:B - Technika mikroprocesorowa, dr inż. Andrzej Kalicki
  • 1.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 09:00 to 10:35 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
1ZE1790:A - Technika oświetlania, dr hab. inż. Piotr Pracki
  • 31.01.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 17:00 to 18:35 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
1ZE1318:A - Teoria obwodów 2, dr inż. Radosław Basiński
  • 1.02.2025 from 14:00 to 15:35 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 14:00 to 15:35 in room GE-b AE Application for term not required
1ZE2105:A - Wybrane zagadnienia teorii obwodów, mgr inż. Marek Wdowiak
  • 1.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
  • 8.02.2025 from 10:40 to 12:15 in room SK 108 Application for term not required
1ZE1808:A - Źródła światła, dr inż. Andrzej Wiśniewski
  • 31.01.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required
  • 7.02.2025 from 18:40 to 20:15 in room GE-b 520 Application for term not required