Published: 19.06.2024, Published to: 3.10.2024

Faculty of Electrical Engineering Mascot Contest

📢🎉 Announcing the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Mascot Contest! 🎉📢

Do you have artistic talent and an idea for a unique mascot that will represent our Faculty? If so, this contest is for you! We invite all students to participate in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Mascot Contest.

🗓 Submissions are accepted from today until September 15, 2024.
✉️ Please send your finished projects to the email address:

✨ Prizes:
🏆 2000 PLN for the winning design
🎖 500 PLN for two distinguished designs

📅 The contest results will be announced on October 1 during the student matriculation ceremony.

Details about the contest, including the rules, can be found on our website and in the attached documents. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us by email.

Get to work! Show us what you can do and create a mascot that will become the symbol of our Faculty! 💡⚡

Good luck!
WRS Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Management

Contest rules:


1. Zuzanna Godlewska, 19.06.2024 09:27

Last modified: 19.06.2024 10:24 by Zuzanna Godlewska.
