Published: 20.09.2014, Published to: 31.10.2025

Exmplanation of short names on classes schedule (plan)

Abbrevs regarding mode and level of studying:

I,D,PL - bachelor, full-time, polish
M,D,PL - masters, full-time, polish
I,Z,PL - bachelor, part-time, polish
M,Z,PL - masters, part-time, polish
I,D,EN - bachelor, full-time, english
M,D,EN - mastersfull-time, english
P,Z,PL - post-graduate, full-time, polish
D,D,PL - doctoral, full-time, polish

Abbrevs regarding buildings:

GG - Gmach Główny (Main Building - no. 1)
SK - Stara Kotłownia (Old Boiler House - no. 14)
PK - Pod Kominem (Under the chimney - no. 15)
FIZ - Gmach Fizyki (Phisics Building - no. 11)
GE - Gmach Elektrotechniki (Electrical engineering building - no. 9)
GM - Gmach Mechaniki (Mechianics Building - no. 13)

AF - Audytorium FIzyki w FIZ (Phisics auditorium - no. 11)
AE - Audytorium Elektrotechniki w GE (Electircal engineering auditorium - no. 9)


Last modified: 20.09.2014 16:05 by dr inż. Robert Szmurło.
