Comparative Analysis of Lighting Solutions in a Corridor

Zgłaszający: dr hab. inż. Piotr Pracki
  • Status dostępności:Wolny
  • Słowa kluczowe:electrical engineering, illuminating engineering, interior lighting, energy efficiency
  • Opis:

    1. Geometric and photometric characteristics of a selected corridor.
    2. Requirements for lighting and energy efficiency evaluation in the corridor.
    3. Three illumination concepts for the corridor (selection of different luminaires and their characteristics, initial layouts)
    4. Final lighting solutions in the corridor (final layouts and calculation results,
    5. Comparative analysis and proposal of preferable lighting solution(s).
    6. Final conclusions and summary of the project

  • Typ pracy: projekt indywidualny
  • Kierunek: Electrical Engineering
  • Uwagi:The aim of the project is to prepare a report comprising the results of study on electric lighting in a selected corridor. The report should comprise characteristics of the selected corridor, requirements for lighting and energy efficiency evaluation, illumination concepts, results of calculations, comparative analysis of solutions and conclusions.